Monday, May 4, 2009

Proposal in Evaluation of Educational Project _ ACTION Model

A proposal to evaluate an instructional program using ACTIONS model

The project was developed specifically for grade five students in basic education schools in Oman. It was in the third unit of Math curriculum and consists of three topics from the unit of Superposition. Theses topics were: Triangle’s area, Superposition and Triangles’ types. The program was developed in English. It aimed to make the learner to be able to:
1. Measure the symmetric sides & angels of the super posited geometrics.
2.Classify the triangles according to their side and angels.
3. Calculate the triangles’ areas.

Here we will evaluate this program using ACTIONS model focusing on the: accessibility, interactivity and user-friendliness, teaching & learning and speed levels of this model.

1. Accessibility level:

In this level we will measure to which level this program is accessible for the learners and how flexible is it? We will use Assessing conformance to checklists/guidelines, including the use of automated checkers and Testing with assistive technologies ways to evaluate accessibility. ‘Assessing conformance to checklists/guidelines’, and, ‘Testing with assistive technologies’, are probably more appropriate for teachers, designers, and developers if they do not have easy access to users or experts. Through using the two previous ways, we will measure the flexibility level of accessing the program’s materials material and the ease of receiving feedback form the instructor.

2.Interactivity & user-friendliness level:

Navigatibility of the program, ease of using, branching and support strategies used in the program, all of these issues will be evaluated using a survey questionnaire to be filled out by the users. Then, the results will be analyzed both to show an example of the information available from the questionnaire and to validate the questionnaire as a relevant data-gathering mechanism. This questionnaire will be designed to answer the question of what kind of interaction does this program enable? And how easy is it to use and learn?

3. Teaching & learning level:

In this level they will measure kinds of learning, instructional approaches and the best technologies for supporting teaching and learning. Standardized ANUSET surveys allow to obtain comprehensive student feedback on teaching and learning at the end of semesters. These evaluation surveys are available in a variety of forms and are available in hard copy or online.
Moreover we can use ‘Monitoring and evaluating teaching by David Baume surveys’ in which we can get feedback from students in a class, get feedback from your students outside class and get feedback from the peers.

4.Speed level:

Here it will measure, how the quickly can courses be created and distributed with this technology? And how quickly can materials be updated?
We can do some observations for several of students to assess who they can quickly access by using the technology features.
From the following link you can see our powerpoint presentation in this article:

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